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Assistance Assignments

Fall 2023:

  • Teaching Assistance for Matthew Monteith, Intro to Black and White Film Photography
  • Teaching Assistance for Amani Willett, Professional Practices

Spring 2024:

  • Teaching Assistance for Amani Willett, Documentary Photography

Summer 2024:

  • Graduate Assistance in MassArt x SoWa Gallery

Fall 2024:

  • Co-Teach Intro to Black and white film Photography with Jacob Church
  • Graduate Assistance in MassArt x SoWa Gallery
  • Teaching Assistance for Stephen Tourlentes, Lighting Studio


Aghigh Afkhami (1996, Tehran, Iran) has a bachelor’s degree from the Soore Art University in Graphic Design. Currently she is in the middle of a Photo MFA program, in Massachusetts College of Art & Design. She specializes in directing, photography, graphics, and visual identity.In photography she has different body of works, her main and latest body of work is based on constantly searching for emotions and meanings, which she channels through use of photography, completing them sometimes with video, sound or text. She focuses on the implications, and individuals who, despite their hardships, emanate strength. The stories she tells are fragmentary, often leaving the viewers to piece together the evidence and circumstances of the subjects, but at the end it’s them to decide what they get from the whole work.

She uses the language of visual sequence to place emphasis on characters who carry visible or hidden wounds. Sometimes these sequences are broken and the author is not seeing only characters but there may also be objects or places connected to, or peeled from the character.

Sometimes she shows signs of human emotions that render individuals fragile, offering dramatic narrative struggles, but resolve into nothingness in the end. Whether implicit or explicit, her latest body of work relates to the moments, or pieces of memories, rendered and  as film stills or parts of stories that don’t exist. At some points the main theme may go through Nihilism, Nominalism and Existentialism vision and question the existence and life with a Dada body.

She often conveys this by showing distance that is sometimes manipulated by the passage of the time ending in a continuous connection to each other, but can also be read as independent fragments or an open ended story. In some parts of her work, meanings and emotions may be clearly found, but most of the time she only offer clues that are softly matched like lines in a Haiku.These lines come together in the installation of her work absorbing viewers in larger mysteries about the nature of Dark silence of nothingness and make it the most questionable subject at the end.